Polymer 2.0 Turtorial
(with Cloud9 IDE)
Open Cloud9:
First step, creating a new workspace on Cloud9.
And do something basic setup.
like import npm & create package.json
npm init
Inatall Polymer 2.x:
Refer steps in this document:Inatall Polymer 2.x
- import “bower” package
npm install bower --save
- import “polymer-cli” package
npm install polymer-cli --save
- Initialize your project, and remember press enter after choose a select.
polymer init
- Serve your project. But this step you can’t follow the document. Document is “polymer serve”, but it will serve on IP This IP is not work in Cloud9, Idont know why so far.
So, you need to change the IP to “”. (Very Important)
polymer serve --hostname “”